As much fun as it is to go through the absolute stress of getting a degree yourself, you may want to skip all those late nights and cram sessions and just give your sim a degree for story telling purposes, or get them promoted in one of the new careers.
There is no shame in using cheats to get yourself through, I don’t blame you! Here’s all the cheats we discovered for The Sims 4: Discover University.
How to Use Cheats
By using Airline simulation, my students get hands-on experience of making exact strategic decisions they have to make as executives of real-world companies. To win the game they become critical thinkers, not just college students majoring in business. The simulation also provides students a tactful way to fill the gaps of theory and practical. To decorate your house with custom artwork, first your sim must have a creativity level of 5 and be able to paint a still life. Have your sim paint and a frame will appear that you can center on whatever you want to paint. If you want to paint a picture of something outside the Sims 2 game, just press C anywhere at this time. This will pause. Hit the books and show your school spirit in The Sims 4 Discover University Expansion Pack, where Sims enroll in school, explore collegiate experiences, and enjoy extracurricular activities. Take classes that set your Sims up for success in engineering, education, or law careers. Discover robotics and ping-pong, plus make some mischief pulling pranks against the rival school. Study hard, sleep.
If you’ve never used a cheat before, we like to add a section to let you know how to use cheat codes before we start. First, you start by opening the cheat box by hitting ctrl + shift + c on your keyboard.
This is going to open your cheat box, then you should type testingcheats true into that box and hit enter. This cheat is the cheat that tells the game to let cheats work, so it’s a good one. Then you can type any of the following cheats in and they should work.
Career Cheats
The Sims 4: Discover University came with three new career options for your sims to explore, they are the law career, the education career, and the engineering career.
The cheats for these careers are promotion cheats and they are as follows:
Degree Cheats
There are 13 degrees for your sims to choose from in University, and there are both regular degrees and distinguished degrees. There are cheats for both, as well as different cheats for making your sim get an honours degree or graduating without honours.
We’ve organized this by degree since there are 4 separate cheats for each degree!
Art History Degree
Biology Degree
Communications Degree
Computer Science Degree
Culinary Arts Degree
Drama Degree
Economics Degree
Fine Art Degree
History Degree
Language & Literature Degree
Physics Degree
Psychology Degree
Villainy Degree
Trait Cheats
There is a new trait that your sim can get if they are in the E-Sports Gamer after school activity, this is the seasoned gamer trait.
Sims Online Cheats Sims 4
Skill Cheats
There are two new skills that your sims can learn in The Sims 4: Discover University, they are the robotics skill, and the research & debate skill.
Student Sim Game Online Cheats Games
The cheats for skills have an X at the end of them in this guide because this number can be whatever level of the skill you like. If you replace the X with the number 5, you’ll get level 5 of the skill, if you replace it with a 10, you’ll max out the skill.
After School Activity Cheats
There are also new cheats for the two new after school activities your sim’s can join while they’re in University.
Sims Free Online Games
Servo Robot Cheats
Servo is a new robot addition with The Sims 4: Discover University and there are a few cheats you can use to change a regular sim into a servo, or change servo back into a human if you choose.
Final Thoughts
Student Sim Game Online Cheats Age Of Empires 2
If at any point any of these discover university cheats aren’t working, please let us know in the comments on this article.