Oblivion Game Cheats Xbox 360

  • Oblivion uses the Xbox 360 hard drive extensively to cache (copy and reuse) game data. This is done to optimize all loading the game does. It has been found in rare cases on some Xbox 360s that.
  • Home Forums PC, Console & Handheld Discussions Microsoft Xbox 360 Discussions Xbox 360 - Games & Content Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and Cheat Codes? By Inunah, Jun 2, 2010 2,992 25 0.

Oblivion cheats List:
Acrobatics Skill Tip:
First go find a set of stairs, the bigger the better. On the stairs simply jump constantly going up. Then just jump back down and repeat as much as needed.
Also a better Acrobatics Skill Tip:
Go to Kvatch and to the little camp site south of it on the map. When entering from the north look to the left, there is a tent with a bench and a chest on it, stand on the corner of the bench and repeatedly jump. Your acrobatics level will increase fast.
Note: you must make sure you can hear the sound of your feet landing on the bench. It is best done with no armor on.
Free Dremora Maces Tip:
Travel to the city of Kvatch, and follow the barricaded road up to the Oblivion Gate. Follow the Kvatch Guards attacking the Stunted Scamps. Enter the Oblivion Gate, and look for a man in Guard armor. He's scripted to attack the nearby Scamps, so don't let him die (unless your evil). Make your way to the Daedric Tower on the Oblivion plane. Work your way up (it's confusing at first, but you'll get used to it).
There are two seperate Daedra that have the maces. Kill them and they're yours, Sometimes you will get Mithril maces.
Infinite Money Glitch:
In the Talos district of the Imperial City is the house of a man named Dorian. Enter the house and kill Dorian. When looting his body, highlight his gold and press A...and keep on pressing. His gold will never run out, giving you access to infinite funds.
You can return to Dorian's house to loot money later, but his corpse will disappear after a few days.
Jewelry Dealer:
The jewelry that you sell to the jeweler in the Imperial City market district will transfer to his personal inventory and can be pickpocketed. You can then sell it to a fence (if you are involved in the theives guild) or keep it for personal use.
Full Dremora Armor:
When you become allowed into the Arcane University (if you choose to), buy the bound cuirass, greaves, helmet, gauntlets and boots (considering you have the specified levels in conjuration) and maybe a weapon too from the Chorrol Mages guild. Use each spell once and then travel to the spellmaking altar in the Arcane University.
Make a new single spell with all the bound armor and set the same time on all of them (mine was ten seconds) and then maybe the weapon aswell, and then name it (mine was called full bound). Walla you have your new spell to use whenever you like. The armor is first class.
Note: This has only been tested with jewelery NOT other items!
Unlimited Gold #1:
After completion of the vampire mission you can go get your reward and it will total 2800 coin. But if you leave and then come back and accept the reward from the Count of Skingrad again, it will be 5000 coin. You can get it as many times as you want for unlimited money.
Note: First you have to loot everything, but leave the gold. Then you exit and loot his body again and keep taking the gold (16 gold peices).
Get Out of Jail Free:
If you are at the level in Conjugation were you can summon a Deadra Warrior (the one that has deadric armour and looks sort of like a human), then while you are in jail summon that deadra and attack it 3 times with somthing weak so you dont kill it.
It will start to attack you and the guard will run in and kill it, leaving the door open. Once you're out of the door the guard will not attack you, only tell you not to escape!
Armorer Skill Up:
You must be an expert armorer for this to work. First, buy (or make) a cheap bind spell - it can be anything and last for as long as you like. Second, hotkey your repair hammers. Then summon your chosen item and quickly press the chosen hotkey to get your repair menu up.
Repair the bound item to 125 health. You can repeat this for as long as you like (as long as you have enough hammers).
Retrieve Your Stolen Goods:
Have you ever wanted a way to get your stolen goods that were taken from you? If you don't already know about the 'evidence chests', here is a good way to get stuff back without getting arrested by the gaurds again.
All you need to do is talk to the jailor and tell them you want to visit a prisoner After you do wait until their back is turned and pick the lock to the chest and get back your stolen goods.
Good Shielding or Invincibility:
You Must Reach level 15 or 20 and go into an Oblivion Gate and Reach the Sigil Stone, it should be medium powered stones. To get the right enchanted Sigil stone, save it before you grab it.
So your aim is to get (shield 25%, reverse attack 25%, fire, water, elemental spell reverse or whatever, aim for reversal stones.
Then do the duplicate cheat on the Sigil stone (this will slow the game down for about a minute if you do not collect all the stones rolling away. They will go invisible after a while, so probably do it in a room (less furniture the better).
Then enchant 4 items you can equip with clothing, e.g. rings armour etc. 4 x 25% voila! 100% or more shielding, do this with any of the elementals
If you have any more cheats that you know and I didn't include here I'll be really grateful if you add it in a comment.

The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, achievements, and secrets for The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion for Xbox 360.

  • 3 caches

There will be 3 caches in Deepscorn Hollow one is behind the tree in the garden one is in the prisoners cell and the last one is in the pool place where you cure vampirisim next to the pillar and remember it's in Deepscorn Hollow check out my other cheats if you got the guts. :-) | Submitted by Hugabean
  • A set of caches only found 3

Hey here is another cheatcode from your friend Hug a bean. Alright there is one cache behind the tree in the garden one next to the food bowl of the prisoner and one in the pool place to cure vamirism and there in Deepscorn Hollow. | Submitted by Hugabean
  • Berserk skulls

At the beginning of the game you must make your way through a series of caves. Toward the end of those caves (just before you get outside), there will be some ropes hanging from the ceiling with four skulls attached to them. Shoot the far top and far right skull with your bow. This should make that line of skulls go berserk.
  • Bruma Statue Variations

Right after you complete the quest, The Battle of Bruma, you are to meet Martin at Sky Ruler Temple. As soon as you talk to Martin, a statue is erected in your honor in Bruma. You can change what the statue looks like, because as soon as you talk to Martin, the game takes a snapshot, and automatically chooses the best helmet, cuirass, greaves, gauntlets, and boots, and weapon from your inventory. If your best weapon is a bow, it will also choose your best arrows. Knowing this, you can vary what the statue looks like and choose the best looking one to you. To do this just empty your inventory of any clothing or weapon that you do not want to appear in the statue, and save before you talk to Martin. This save is important, so keep it until you find your perfect combonation for your statue. | Submitted by JumpingIsFutil3
  • Change sigil stone

This trick is easy. First you have to be in oblivion, then when u make it to the sigil stone save(before u take the stone). Once u save take the stone, if u dont like the stone just load your game and the stone will have different magic on it. Repeat until u find one u like. | Submitted by bmack
  • Duplicate Arrows

Entry Location:
anywhere (while playing)
First, pull out your bow and make sure you have arrows. Then pull back your bow, and before you fire press B. Click the A button on your arrows and drop the item you wish to duplicate. WARNING - this only works with 239 arrows or less. if you have more your Xbox will freeze. | Submitted by Kal
  • duplicate item

To duplicate an item(you cannot duplicate quest items or ninroot)simply pull back your bow and press B,then press A on your eqiuped arrows.then drop the item you wish to duplicate.the amount of arrows you have equiped is the number of the item ur duplicating. | Submitted by G0DSGUN
  • Duplicating cheat

First go to system and scrolle down to memorry and press A.Then press Y and press X,X,LB,RB,X,X.Some thing will come up,press yes.Then go play the game.Buy 2 scrolles of the same kind (dosent matter what scrolle you buy).Then go to the same 2 scrolles you bought and press A 2 times.Then go to an item you would like to duplicate and drop it.The item will duplicate to the same ammount of scrolls you have(you can allso duplicate diffrent scrolls and the you will be able to duplicate more items). | Submitted by killer229
  • Easy 500 gold

You must be a vampire to be able to get this: if you turn into a vampire through the game, go to a healer in a church in any town and ask about the 'cure for vampireism' she will tell you to go to a witch that lives somewhere in the west by a lake
eventually after you find the witch she gets you to get things to make a potion for yourself
after youve given her everything she asked for, she gives you 2 bottles of potion to get rid of vampireism but you should of been sent to see the mayor of a town so dont drink a bottle just yet!
ojnce youve given the bottle to the mayor he takes you outside down a secret passage way were eventually his wife will die, now drink one of the potions.
Oblivion Game Cheats Xbox 360ask the mayor for a reward and he'll give you 500 gold if you ask him about the reward again he'll keep on giving you 500 gold for as long as you want! BUT SAVE IT AS SOON AS HE GIVES YOU THE 1ST REWARD SO YOU CAN ALWAYS RETURN TO HIM AND GET 500 GOLD | Submitted by stevetaylor
  • Easy conjuration lvling

(Pfft) all ya gotta do is have at least lvl 10 (doesnt matter but you have more magic) and take your weakest summon spell and use it repeatedly while doing something entertaining on the computer like youtube. | Submitted by MasterConjurer
  • easy gold

First you find a expensive item (ex)- base amulet of luck, and go to someone who will buy it. use the duplicate items cheat and pick up the items and sell them but keep one of the items so u can duplicate them again and sell them again and u get lots of money! note. If you don't no the duplicate items cheat u just need more than 10 arrows and a bow. pull back youre bow and press b, then press a on youre arrows and drop the item you wish to sell, then watch the madness! Also, it is awsome if u have 100 arrows! | Submitted by Elijah
  • Easy Gold(Pre-Patch)

When you complete the mission:Order of the Virtious Blood,and the guy makes you a member,and he tells you that he'll give you 250 gold for each vampire dust you give him.If you get vampire dust,make shure you have a lot of arrows, then perform the Duplicate Item glitch and pick up all the vampire dust you drop.Take it back to the guy in the Impearial City Temple District that made you a member,and ask him about Vampire Dust,he'll say something and give you gold.(Note that as fast as you can push the A button on the message is as fast as you can get the gold) | Submitted by bloodlust_322
  • Easy Heavy Armor and Weapon

When you first come out of the sewers you head staight for the stables. then go behind the stable and there should be a rock to jump on the jump on to the house and then pull out your bow or use your magic and hit one of the guards standing outside of the imperial city. keep hitting him untill he dies, he should drop legion armor and a longsword. | Submitted by aaron
  • Easy item dupe without bow

OK first you need thirty arrows and whatever you need to duplicate have a sword hand axe etc go to hit but before you finish hit B double clik arrows and then drop your item watch magic fly PS don't use more than 210 arrows. | Submitted by Oblivionmastr
  • Easy Level Ups!

Entry Location:
Any city with lots of guards!
when you first come out of the sewers at the 1st beginning go straight to the imperial city (Talos plaza). then you zuse the duplication code to duplicate 100 health potions. after that you do that go next to a crate and drop everything except for your potions and your armor. make sure you have a set of heavy armor and a set of light armor. after you've done all these things then equip one of the sets of armor and hot key your health potions. then put your game difficulty all the way on easy. then you punch a guard and resist arrest. then other guards should come.the guards that have bows should have swords. run up to the guards with bows and they should pull out their swords. when there is alot of guards near you then let them keep hitting you. dont fight back. keep an eye out on your health so you wont die. when your health starts getting low then constantly heal yourself. if you do this for at least 10 minutes then not only will your armor go up but you will gain levels. And walla you have instant level up. I did this when i was level 3 and in 10 minutes my guy was level 17. | Submitted by Kal
  • Easy leveling in combat skills

This isn' t really a cheat but it get your levels up really well. At the end of the main quest (amulet of kings) you will have to take martin to the temple of the one, but before you do lord Dagon arrives. When this happens go back to martin and tell him to wait where he is then go back through the gate and there you will find unlimited daedra creatures coming out of oblivion gates,and if you want to last for ages take good health potions in, Good luck.
Skills you get up:
Destruction (other magic aswell)
Hand to Hand. | Submitted by WillGee
  • Easy Skill Increases

To Increase:
LIGHT ARMOR/HEAVY ARMOR: Go to the pause menu and lower the difficulty, then put on a full suit of whatever armor you wanna increase and let low level creatures attack you (rats, goblins, bandits, etc.). NOTE: if your armor in broken the skills will not increase, or if your fighting a human who is using their fist your skills will not increase.
ANY MAGIC SKILL EXCEPT DESTRUCTION: Simply use a low Magicka costing version of that spell (EX: Alteration use Protect, Illusion use Starlight, Resoration use Heal Minor Wounds)
DESTRUCTION: To easily increase your Destruction skill you must first have access to the Arcane University. Then go to the place in the University where you can make spells, then create a FIRE spell that does 3 damage on SELF, then cast the spell, it will hurt you but very little and your destruction skill with increase over time. NOTE: Have a supply of Healing Potions! | Submitted by NordMaster
  • Easy Skill Increases

You can only use this cheat if you have downloaded the Deep scorn Hollow expansion from XBox Live. Once you buy the furnishings for this place, go to the room that has the prisoner in it and take out your sword and attack him. You should see that he is in fact invincible, so you can keep attacking until you level up. Note:This also works with: Blunt, Marksman, Sneak, Hand to Hand, Destruction and Illusion. If you shoot him with magic arrows he will appear to die but will get back up in a second or two. | Submitted by Bloodlust322
  • Easy Sneaky in Sewers

Ok, in order to get your sneak skill up quikily and leave the sewers all ready to level up at least once, (by the way this works better if you choose the Theif sign) you need to first follow the king and his guards and defeat the first rat that bashes threw the wall. Then get some of the items in the chest and some other stuff (optinal). If you look sort of to the left of the well with the barrel hanging over it there should be a rat lerking around. If it hasnt already spotted you then go up to the opposite end of the pillar closest to the rat. it will sometimes go around the pillar but slowly and this will work better if he does. the closer to the pillar he is the better. now make sure that you cant see his head or most of his body(if you see his head then he is more likely to see you). try to keep an eye on his tail though as it goes around the pillar. while following him you need to stay crouched down so that you are in sneak mode, and since your level is low your sneak should rise quikily. every now an then though the rat will stand up on its hind legs and sniff around. that is your que to back off a little and see what he does. he will either start
walking in the same direction or turn back towards you. if he turns around then you should go the opposite way around the pillar, making sure that you dont get caught off guard as he turns around. then stay crouched and watch his tail go around until you feel satisfied with the amount of sneak you have.
I usually go to about level 20 or 25 because if i choose the sign of the Theif and choose the attributes and stuff that make my stealth go up then i can have a total of 40 or 50 by the time i leave the sewers.
Note: this will work with any rat where there is a pillar or wall to hide behind, and as your level gets higher the slower it will go up which is why its probably best to stop at level 25. | Submitted by Monky
  • Easy way to kill a tough opponent

This is an easy way to kill a really tough Opponent. For example Umbra. The way to do this is:
First: if your a master at sneak (not complete master)it will be easier.
Second: You also need to have the sign of the Lover.
To do this sneak up behind them and use the Lover's Kiss. Then unleash your series of sneak attacks doing times whatever damage you do until the enemy is dead or the Lover's Kiss effect expires (at this point you have no sneak skills). This can be done to anyone and makes a great way to kill someone such as a guard alone. It is also great to use the Lover's Kiss to paralyze an opponent to make a great get away. | Submitted by Shiki101
  • Enter other provinces

Enter any city and have at least twenty paintbrushes. Then use the 'floating paintbrush' trick to reach and jump on the city walls. Then, jump outside of the city. Because the land outside the city has not loaded yet, you can walk into the any of the bordering provinces without the 'turn back' message appearing. After walking so far into another province, your character will fall through the map and die. Save the game before attempting this. Because the ground is invisible (the trees, bushes, rocks can still be seen) it is difficult to tell when you will fall through.
  • Getting good Armour

Again this isn't really a cheat but you do get cool armour. This is the easiest way of getting armour all you have to do is level up, the stronger level you are the better armour you get, when I did this I got full elven, full glass, full daedric and many more cool ones. Good luck. | Submitted by WillGee

Okay this glitch only works if you havnt downloaded any extra material for this game from xbox live. if you have downloaded something it also downloaded a patch and fixed this glitch unfortunaltely and many others including dorians unlimited money glitch. to do this get a sword that is worth 1k and above. you must also have a horse. ride to the base camp below the ruined city of kvatch and get off ur horse then equip your sword and get back on the horse. go up to the orc lady and go to sell your sword. it will automatically bring its price down to 200gp but since it is equipped u keep sellin it to her yet it never disappears.if you have a master skill lvl in merchanting u get 700 each time. remember to save before you try this just in case. | Submitted by JumpignIsFutil3
  • Infinite Arrows

Equip any set of arrows, go into any area of the game (preferably an enclosed area, like a fighter's guild basement), take out any bow, and hold R to keep an arrow in your bow. Now, you have to be a journeyman(?) of acrobatics, but if you can combat roll, that's what you need to do this trick. Hold L, press Y, and move in any direction to roll. You will hear the arrow fly, but it will not decrease in your inventory. Go forth and pick up your dupe arrow. Repeat as many times as you like.
  • Infinite Gold

This code has a time span on how long it will work because it involves looting a body that will eventually disappear. If you go to the Talos Plaza in the Imperial City, there is 'Dorian's House.' Sneak into the house sometime when he is home and kill him before he can leave the house. Now, loot his body--one item at a time. When you get to the gold, only part of the amount will disappear; the rest can be looted over and over again. Do this for however much gold you want, but be careful as this only works once per character. | Submitted by LDCrusader
  • Keep bound weapons

This is a really simple little trick to keep bound weapons and armour first use aliyed ruins or bound spells on youir self and when you have the bound weapon or armour start using it and hurting things (peices or scenery like rocks or wall work for most weapons) or for armour get things to attack you (the arena works well) then once your weapon or armour is slighty damaged use a repair hammer on it. now the item is mysteriosly allowed to be droped. now leave it on the floor and wait for the spell to wear off, once it has done that, pick it back up and off you go with a peice of daedric!!
The only downsides are you need a binding spell that binds the item for over a minute because thats usualy the time it takes to get damaged. And the other downside its its called bound insted of deadric i.e bound mace instead of deadric mace but it still takes off a much. | Submitted by oblivionmaster3443
  • Keeping Boots of Springheel Jack

During the last mission for the thieves guild, right before taking the drop, stop and head back down the tower the way you came. When you get to the original way you got into the tower (the fireplace in the Imperial Guardsmans sleeping quarters), activate the fireplace. It should give you the next part of the quest without dropping you into the hole. On this level of the tower, without going any higher, find an Imperial Guardsman and attack him, or be spotted by him. This should trigger the regular 'Go to Jail, Resist Arrest, Pay Fines' dialog. Just pay your fines, and get teleported back out of the tower and in front of the castle. Both the Elder Scroll and the Boots should be in your inventory, and you should still be on the next part of the quest to head back to Gray Cowl. In my opinion, it's easier than trying to survive the fall.
  • Lock-pick Glitch

OK if you haven't got the skeleton key yet or lost it and you need to save your lock-picks this is a simple and useful glitch if you hit X and A at the same time while picking a lock it will make the 'tink' noise as if your trying to keep the pin up but your really auto attempting the lock and have failed but wait whats this you haven't broken your pick!!! if you get your timing down you can make one pick last a while

Xbox 360 Walkthroughs And Cheats

Note:when you fail your auto attempt it wont make the break noise just the A button noise...oh yea you can also just duplicate picks
Any questions E-Mail me
Somebody2D@Gmail.com __2D__ | Submitted by DominicDellaValle__2D__
  • member benfits

If you become a member of one of three types of guilds. Mage's, fighter's and theives guides. There are guilds in every city except imperial city. Imperial city has the bloodworks. Which is where you go to become a fighter in the arena. The arena is in the east side of imperial city in the arena district. After joining any of these you can take anything laying around inside a guild or the bloodworks without being charged with a crime. Since you are a member of that place. DO NOT take anything before becoming a member if you try to you will be charged with a crime. | Submitted by CaptainSpankya.k.a.doaxanimevg
  • Mobile storage

After completing the Dark Brotherhood (Assassin's Guild) quest line you are given a special horse. It is the fastest horse in the game and has the added benefit of being unkillable because it is a unique character. That's where the cheat comes in. After obtaining that horse, attack it until it falls uconcious, then loot it to enter its inventory. You can place whatever you want in its inventory, and after a few moments, it will wake up and you can ride it again just like normal. When you want to access your items again, just beat the horse unconcious again and take what you want. This way you can easily keep and use all your items without constantly having to return to your home or weighing yourself down.
  • Neon green helm

First of all, You need to go to the anvil lighthouse and face the sea. This cheat is a little confusing so pay real close attention. Turn slightly to the right and You will see a little peninsula type thing protruding into the sea. Head toward it. Once you reach it, face the same way and go into the water but do not go under yet. The helmet is very deep so you will need to conserve air. wade out maybe 3 feet and then dive. You may have to go pretty deep and it might take a few dives but the helmet is neon green and easy to spot in the dark water so good luck. | Submitted by WillGee
  • One hit kill

Ok well first you go out and get yourself a really good bow. Then do the duplicate items cheat.~make sure you have lotts of arrows~Then you pull back on your bow.then before letting go of the arrow you press b.Then go to a really heavy item.Then you click -Drop- on it.Then click b agen to get out of your item page. Then when the amazing amounts of duplicated items hits the Enemy they will drop like a mad disco dancer. | Submitted by Jeffevi
  • Paint Brush Jar Glitch

If you ever find a paint brush jar make an attempt to knock it upside down. You will notice you failed and it keeps spinning and flipping until it is right side up. You can continue to hit, throw it, kick it, drop it from a building, or throw it off the largest mountain and let it tumble all the way down only to find it working to fix it self. It a very interesting glitch. | Submitted by Shiki101
  • Paintbrush Glitch

Paintbrushes have no physics applied to them. By none, I mean none. When you drop them out of your inventory, they stay in thin air. They cannot be moved or blown away by spells/arrows.
Well, paintbrushes can be walked on.
You can jump onto a paintbrush (there is a small sphere of invisible walkable surface area). Drop another paintbrush infront of you, and you have a second step.
You can make a staircase of paintbrushes and, ideally, reach any point of the game. The catch? It's not easy to pull off.
If you jump too far, you'll be on the steep side of the walking area and won't be able to jump to the next paintbrush. Also, the walkable area is very small.

Minecraft Xbox 360 Cheats

This glitch can get you high places like the top of a castle, high in the air randomly, or even on top of the Imperial Palace (watch out, the roof isn't solid, you need to stand on one of the things that stand up out of it).
  • Post-Patch Infinite Money

First, you need a master level in Alchemy, and around 30k gold. Second, go to Skingrad and buy a house from the buter there for 25k. Then, visit the trade goods shop and buy the kitchen, dining room, and servant's quarters. Look around in the shop for a woman named Eyja, hire her as a servant for 150 gold. She will make you an unlimited amount of Shepherd's Pie, which can be made into a potion and sold to a shop for about 25-35 gold a potion. | Submitted by Arlan77
  • Power Leveling Mage Class' and Stealth Class'

First off you HAVE to have the arcane university unlocked.
1) create a spell under the spell class you would like to level up and make the spells duration 1 and its magnitude 3. 3) cast the spell repeatadly and you will gain levels like crazy.
Assassin, Theif, ECT...
1) Sneak: go to the arcane university and go to the Praxographical center, go up the stairs but do NOT enter the other room, instead rig your controller to sneak and walk into the corner and your sneak ability will raise in levels.
2) Marksman: After gaining access to the horse whom goes by the name Shadowmerre take your bow out and attack it. (note: that shadowmerre can NOT die) it will then become 'knocked out' when it comes to simply do it it all over again. | Submitted by RyanThomason
  • Scroll Duplication Cheat

Go to your inventory, go to the scrolls(You have to have more scrolls than the item your duplicating. In this case drop all of the selected item except 1 to duplicate), hold A on the selected scrolls, go to the item you wish to duplicate and drop, however many scrolls you had should now be the amount of the selected item. Note: You CANNOT duplicate quest items. | Submitted by DemonPrinceRex
  • See underwater

Go into first person view. Go under the water, but make sure you can see above the surface from the middle of the screen and up. From the middle down you should be able to see, as of looking above the surface.
  • Stash of poison

When you get Deepscorn Hollow go to the armory next to the garden and search on the shelf and look to the right of the shelf and there will be boxes and you will see a chest and it will be filled with poison and 2 of every poison that hasn't been created by anybod exept the creaters and you can sell them and get money also the is 3 caches I have found look at my other
cheat code! | Submitted by Hugabean
  • Stray arrows

Enter the basement of the Fighters Guild in Chorrol. Stand in front of the dummy and pull back an arrow. It will appear to be transparent. When you let go it will shoot in a random direction. This effect does not disappear unless you reload your game or save and load.
  • The 'Get Rich Quick' scheme

Ingredients: Ability to duplicate using scrolls, 2 of the same scroll and one different scroll.
When going through the sewers in the beginning pick up anything of value that doesn't weigh much. Pick up as much as possible and when you overload drop things of little value to be able to pick more expensive things up. Once you've left the sewers go to the Imperial City and sell everything you have that isn't of major importance. That should give you a nice stash of gold. Go to the Mystic Emporium and buy 2 of the same scroll and one different scroll. Go out into the streets and make a copy of the 1 scroll you have. Once dropped there should be 2 scrolls on the ground. Pick up only 1 of them. Re-dupe them like that until you have a nice amount say 15. Drop one of the 2 same scrolls you bought. Make a copy of 15 of them. Pick
up one and repeat. Now you have a lot of scrolls. 100 is a nice amount to carry at all times. (Health Potions and such) Keep 100 of one scroll and sell the rest of the others. Repeat this until you have a really good amount of money. Go buy the most expensive item you can find that can be duped. I suggest going into the mages guild in Chorrol and talk to Angalmo. He sells a Strong Potion of Reflection for 2286. I've also seen a Strong Potion of Absorption for a higher price. Buy one and make 100 copies and sell it back to him or someone rich in portions they can afford. You'll be rich in no time.
Further tips: If you come across the over-encumbered message just go to the item and hold LB and just walk with it to whereever. Drop it and pick it up, go through a door and repeat. This can also be VERY helpful when closing the Oblivion gates or just leveling up. You can make 100+ of health and sorcery potions.
Pros: You will be extremely rich and can buy anything necessary.(Houses, House Sets, etc.) You only have to buy 1 item to dupe it and make more. You're practically invincible by carrying the health potions. Training is a breeze and levels should fly by. Even though your extremely rich you will never have to worry about losing all the money.
Cons: It may take a while to sell. A Reflection potion usually can only sell in portions of 1 or 2 out of the hundred you have. You will have a burden by carrying these things all the time and may not be able to pick up as much. I say it's as godly as possible without the use of hacks. | Submitted by DemonPrinceRex
  • Unicorn

To get the unicorn,all you have to do is go to the 'inn of ill omen' and head directly east from there aventualy you will reace some where called Harcane grove and the unicorn is there but be careful because guarding the unicorn are about three minotaurs and they are quite strong.But when you ridethe unicorn it will be come your horse and will wait at stables when you teleport to cities. | Submitted by WillGee
  • Unlimited Gold

In the Imperial City, Talos district, find a house owned by a person named Dorian, it will be called 'Dorian's House'. Try to get him angry enough with you via threatening him. Once he has a low enough disposition (lower than 20) with him, he will ask you to leave. At this point kill him and go to loot his body. He should have around 40 gold and some other misc items. LOOT ALL THE ITEMS FIRST leaving the gold, DO NOT LOOT ALL. When you go to take the gold, it will glitch and keep allowing you to take the gold off him. Make sure he doesn't leave or alerts any of the guards and save before attempting this. After about an hour of hitting the same button, I had 150k gold. Note: You can bribe him before doing this glitch and you'll make more gold. This no longer works after a recent June patch to the game. | Submitted by Kal
  • Unlimited Gold

First you have to complete the Cure for Vampirism mission, and talk to The Count, Janus Hassidor. When you talk to him, ask him about the 'Reward' conversation option, but don't leave the conversation, and keep asking him about it. Every time you ask him about it you receive 1000 gold (or more depending on your level). Do this as many times as desired for unlimited gold. Note that a recent June patch has fixed this glitch. | Submitted by Kal
  • Unlimited lockpicks

This will work in the patched version of the game. This trick requires any weapon of your choice (for example, an Iron War Axe). Select and equip your weapon. Duck swing, but before the attack animation is over, enter your inventory and select any type of arrows (no more than 200). Then, drop the item of choice. Note that some items cannot be duplicated.
  • Unlimited Money Cheat

Ok when you are in the Imperial City at any point in the game, go to the Talos District and find Dorians house. He is a Redguard. Sorry guys i dont know his last name. Anyway once there, perform a sneak attack on him and kill him. MAKE SURE HE DOES NOT LEAVE THE HOUSE or youll have to load. When he is dead take his key and start tapping 'A' when the gold is highlighted in his inventory. Keep Hitting 'A' until your greedy heart is content. Be warned DO NOT HIT TAKE ALL OR THE GAME WILL GLITCH!! | Submitted by teejenator
  • Unlimited money: glitch

Go to talos plaza and kill dorian in his house when you are at a high level. go down to his money, and keep pressing A u get unlimeted money. | Submitted by riverf
  • Unlimited Steel Arrows

Go to Bazur gro-Gharz's house in Cheydinhal, he sleeps about 5am to 6am, kill him when he sleeps and loot his body to gwet unlimited arrows, take them in a quantity of 20 and the game will glitch, so you can get unlimited amount.
A Point of interest, when i did it i put back about 100 arrows and then i could get them in quantity of 100's/200's and soo on and soo forth.
Be careful when trying this cos it might not seem likely but ur emcumberance will increase rapidly. | Submitted by DavidBanks
  • Unlimited steel maces

If you have a high skill level in sneak then you can do this. In the Imperial city there is one guy named damian magus. If you pick pocket him he will have steel maces that you can steal but they will never run out. Also you can and should only try to steal two at a time because any more than taht he will catch you. I have 100 sneak and I can't steal more than two at a time. I suggest you do this in the waterfront because thats where i did it and im not sure if it works any where else. | Submitted by kvn217
  • Unlimted Steel Arrows

Go to Cheydinhal West Gate and enter Bazur gro-Gharz's house. When he is either sleeping or awake kill him and loot his body and take the steel arrows ( might differ depending on your level) and he has an unlimited supply. One way i found that out was take about 50 then put the 50 back, then you can take 60 at a time, then put them all back and you can get 100's at a time. Be Careful though because your encumberence will increase quickly when u get loads of arrows. | Submitted by DavidBanks
  • Un-loaded map

You'll get a mission where you have to go get a thing called the frozen tears dont ask me how to complete this yet because i'm not sure yet but still all you do is climb up at an angle and slowly make your way up the mountain surrounding you and jump off but kind of slide down the side of the hill and youll be able to swim in the water around it and look around yeah not alot to do down there but it is fun to do oh and if your wondering if you'll fall off and have to load your game back and start all over again there is only one way i've found to get back up and its hard jump and swing your sword at the right time and a glitch will happen and you'll float in mid-air til u jump again then just swing your sword and repeat til you make it to the top again. | Submitted by mastershake_92
  • Using the horse, Shadowmere, as movable storage

Shadowmere is a hero character, meaning that you can not kill him. Since he is an animal you can loot him when he is knocked unconscious. You can also stock up items on him and they will stay on him throughout the game until you knock him out and remove them.
The steps to do this are as follows:
1. Get Shadowmere (Fort Farrgut) and knock him unconscious (kill him).

Oblivion Xbox 360 Walkthrough

2. When he is laying on the ground you can open his body like any normal corpse.
3. Place any items you wish to transport into his corpse's inventory.
4. Let him get up and then go and take him wherever you want.
5. To get the items back you can knock him out and take them out. They never disappear.
You can have items in him for as long as you want. Even if he respawns back at the Fort Farrgut he will still have your items on him.
  • Vampire's gold

When you finish the cure for vampirism (side quest)(in skingrad so you know )the count will give you the cure for vampirism and 2500 gold pieces (after you take the cure). If you talk to him and you go to the word reward it will continue to give you 2500 gold pieces. Every time you chose that reply P.S NEVER (after the qwest )try to read one of his book's or he will attack you and you won't be able to talk to him again. | Submitted by TylerBryant
  • Very easy Money Making trick!

Here is what you do. You first go to the Imperial City and go to the Market District. Go to the shop called 'Rindirs Staffs'. Go and buy his most expensive staff called 'Apothesis' or something like that. Now take this staff to the store called 'A Fighting Chance' in the Market District. The staff is worth 1,200 glod and the shop keeper of 'The Fighting Chance' buys it for 1,200 gold. Duplicate the staff and sell it to her. I duplicated 100 of the staff and sold it to her and ended up with more than 100K in less that 10 minutes! | Submitted by MasterOfThieves
  • Walk through wall

In Imperial City waterfront, you can walk through a wall and run down it from one side to another. You can see out, but no one can see in.
  • weak fist strong blade

Don't use weapons on the weaker enemies. when your fists will be more than enough to take care of them. To go between fists and weapons fastly. Press the B button to go to the menu's and use Left and Right trigger buttons to go to depending on what your using. the icon will either be a fist, sword or a bow. Once in this screen use the d-pad to navagite it. And once your on a weapon press and hold the Y button and you'll notice a icon with eight differet slots will appear. Each slot represents one of the eight different directions the d-pad can be used in. While still holding the Y button down press a direction on the d-pad and the weapon will active to that Hotkey. and when playing the game press the same hotkey you put the weapon on and it will make it active. to unactive the weapon just press the same hotkey. Press the X button to sheath and wield your weapons and fists depending on what your using. | Submitted by CaptainSpankya.k.a.doaxanimevg
  • Weaken the Final Boss for the KOTN Quest

When fighting a character wearing the full six-piece set of crusader's armor he is weakened by the Holy Aura, reducing his Agility, Luck, and Strength attributes by 60 points each and his Blade skill by 50 points. In the physical plane, Umaril is additionally subject to Crusader's Bane, a 83% Weakness to Fire effect, when hit by either the Mace or Sword of the Crusader. | Submitted by Kal
  • Weightlees daedric armor

Summon a piece of bound armor like bound boots then get attacked so the armor gets damaged kill what's attacking you and use a repair hammer on the bound armor you will now be able to unequip it and drop it. Drop the bound armor and wait for the timer 2 run out and you will hear the noise of the armor being unequiped but if you droped it then you can pick it back up and it will never disappear but it will be called bound armor not daedric. | Submitted by Gameraider500


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