Is Periscope Games Aware Of I Want Cheats Com

If you played FM 20 you will probably be aware of the 'pre-game editor' that became available on Steam. This in-game add on will set you back £3.99 but it will allow you to do pretty much. Link many chains of identical sparkling jewels - move fast or lose this precious game! The goal is to make lines, horizontally or vertically, of three or more matching gems. Swap two adjacent pieces, and if you make a line of three or more pieces, it will disappear and new pieces will fall onto the board. Meerkat and Periscope aren’t the first tools to offer live-streaming capabilties, but they have captured attention due in large part to the ease with which they allow video to be recorded on the.

For patches, mods, & missions:Downloads

Running on Vista

Is Periscope Games Aware Of I Want Cheats Computer

FYI, I went ahead and purchased and downloaded Dangerous Waters and it works fine on Vista 32. It's a very challenging game. I end up having to work fast and smart, less I get blown up myself...LOL.
Thanks again,


Ask Thomasew

Hey Tom,
Is your 6800 a 128MB or 256MB? I am still trying to find the cause of my performance problems in SC and now the DW Demo. Everything is fine and fluid on the old machine, but the new mega machine for some reason cannot do these sims!! Sloppy cursor, screws on subs turn for a second, stop then turn. This is very frustrating!!!

Hi Stretch
It's a Gainward 6800 Ultra w/256 Mb, ... What is your AGP Aperture size set to .. ? Have you tried disabling 'Fast Writes' on your card .. ? Fast Writes can be found in the .. AGP Settings .. on the Nvidia Control Panel.
cheers, Tom


I have 1 minor request for a future version or patch (or maybe this is already covered in the full release?). Would it be possible to either add a button/joy axis command for the RPM lever in the UH-60? Or maybe add an option where the collective axis endstops/gain can be adjusted? When on 95-105% RPM the collective setting for hover lines up exactly with the side of the detent on my Thrustmaster throttle, so it keeps creeping up into the full detent position and causes me to climb. This is a real pain when trying to sonar dip or hover next to the freighter =) Aside from that one minor niggle the demo is perfect, I wasn't expecting a fully fledged helo flight model so I wasn't disappointed... but I was expecting a much more 'arcadey' flight model so I was quite pleasantly surprised by what you've achieved with the helo.

Hi Suvs
Use DXTweak2 to set an exponential curve for your throttle ... it works great. You can also set your Throttle to be effective only to the detent point, ... and give no output beyond that. DXInput will still work correctly, .. and give the full range of values required.
Get it here:
It's about half way down the page. DXTweak2 works for ANY joystick or controller, ... don't be put off by the fact, ... that the site is a support site for Logitech.
cheers, Tom

Have Soundblaster Audigy LS with last Driver released. But just like Sub Command i am losing the sound effects of weapons and Ships and Planes in external Views. The internal Views give me the engine noises 'but not external. Any idea why?

I'm using the Audigy ZS, with drivers ... 5.12.0001.0444 ... and don't experience any sound drop out at all. Try setting your Sound Acceleration to Standard in DXDiag, .. and see if that helps.
cheers, Tom

Problem: Getting an error message now when try to open game from Desktop. Message reads: 'Failed to initialize graphics display.'

Solution: You need updated graphics card drivers. Read all below.

Problem: The game locks up and/or freezes.
Solution: It is absolutely essential that you have the very latest drivers for your sound and graphics card. It does not matter if your computer is brand new, go to the website of the company that makes your sound and graphics card and install the latest drivers. The Subsim Forums have a lot of posts that start off 'The #%*&$ game locks up
L' and end with 'You're right, the new drivers fixed it, thanksJ'.

If new drivers don't cure lockups, try decreasing your accelerations or disabling the 3D sound in the game options. One player stated, 'I found what on at least my Win2k machine what was locking the game up. I like a number of others have a SoundBlaster Live!Value card. I tried lowering the acceleration, that did not solve the problem. What worked was to turn off 3D sound in the games Options panel. I still hear all the sounds, but of course they are not in 3D.'

Sound Blaster Live? Get the new drivers here: Creative.Com

'I was having some nasty lock-ups that were making the game unplayable. After reading about other people's similar woes in here, I finally went and got the latest drivers for my Soundblaster Live Platinum card, and that was the ticket. No more total lock ups.'

'I had the same problem, which was solved by updating my Sound Blaster Live! drivers. No more CTDs. If you have a SB Live!, this is definitely the first thing to try. '

'I'm using a Live Value and did find the latest drivers at the Creative.Com site. I also slowed my DirectX audio acceleration down one notch and that seems to correct the problem. Awesome sim! I expect I'll wear out the CPU and my keyboard before I stop enjoying this one.'

'My problem was my sound drivers. I thought I had the newest ones but they were version 4.06. The latest drivers for SB live is version 4.11. Upgrading them fixed the lockup problems.'

'I have a sblive and had lockup problems too. Run dxdiag and check your soundcard drivers to see if they are 4.08 or ABOVE as spelled out in the small white install guide you get with the game. I thought my drivers were current but they were not.'

BE SURE to check Subsim Downloads for the latest patch for Dangerous Waters


There has never been anything as complete a subsim as Silent Hunter III: dynamic campaign, interactive 3D crew, populated ports, crew management--this puppy has it all.

General tips - stuff that you need to know

  • Some menu options require a double-click to execute, such as the 'Save' game feature and 'Accept New Profile'.
  • Some stations are most easily accessible by the hotkey:
    • M :Radio Messages
    • H :Hydrophone station
    • U :UZO
    • B :Binoculars
    • Q :Open outer torpedo door
    • K :Captain's log

    There is a Quick Reference Guide with the game that details all the hotkey but these are the ones you will use most frequently.

    Keys and features that are not in the manual

    While on a mission check the help screen (F1) it lists a couple of interesting ones. Some keys that are not even listed there are:

- Shift+F2: Free roam in command center and conning tower. Just don't try to roam out of the sub. You will get graphic messups.
- Ctrl+P: To solve (toggle) Nvidia particle bug.
- Shift+PageUp/Page Down: Increase/decrease the Glare feature (software antialiasing).
- Ctrl+Leftclick in Navigation map: Center the map on that spot.
- Chat in multiplay: Numlock to start chat, type text, then hit ENTER. But be careful: if you hit ENTER 2 times, you fire a fish!
-Shift+F11: Take continuous screenshots, press again to stop. Of course you better use the 'one screenshot a time' option instead (Ctrl+F11).
Ctrl + Page Up or Page Down, raises and lowers attack scope fully. Sam with Ctrl + Insert and Delete for the Observation scope.

  • When moving through the U-boat compartments, don't forget your right-mouse button.
  • Early in your career, your crew is green; they get tired easy and dangerous action affects their morale. Be a good and supportive skipper and they will rise to the challenge. Be sure to rest them during engagements when they are not needed.
  • Torpedo reload times: Your men will post their estimate for how much time till a tube is reloaded. If you look closely at the torpedo icon, you can see the color change as the tube is loaded.

If you choose to use Manual TDC only in the realism settings, be aware that you must use the Ship Recognition Manual as the first step in targeting a ship. Open the manual, find a match, and send the info to the TDC by clicking on the checkbox. If you fail to use the Recognition Manual, TDC will not accept range and speed estimates. And no, Lanzfeld, no red triangles live in Manual TDC only Land.

Is Periscope Games Aware Of I Want Cheats Completely

If you choose to use the Realistic Chart option (no god's-eye view), get ready for a whole new challenge in subsimming. The Realistic Chart option never marks down ship icons or contacts, it does not show little planes diving on you, and it does not put handy sonar bearing lines down for you. No WWII subsim has ever had anything like the Realistic Chart option. Get familiar with relative bearing concepts and the chart drawing tools, and with a little practice you can be operating like the real U-boat commanders did!

The Hunt: Making contact at high realism levels
Another aspect of playing SH3 with high realism options is the game more accurately models real life in regards to making contact--actually finding ships in the great, wide ocean. As Crisitan of the dev team told Subsim: 'The SH3 world is alive and is huge (that means that the player may miss ships that are at only 20 km by him just because of the 100% realism settings). The game is far harder to play at 100% realism than the casual settings (the sensors are reduced dramatically both of the sub and crew and are weather dependant). All the time the ship lanes are alive (that means that ships go and came on those ship lanes)... One of the most crowded areas is the west of England (and costal lines of England in general).' So, remember: high realism in SH3 is just that--realistic and challenging. To get the kind of gameplay you may remember from Aces/SH1 you have to play a more casual game in SH3!

I remember when I created the Second Kampaign series for SH2 that the same thing was true--I would script ships to travel back and forth through the player's patrol zone and up and down the route to and from his patrol zone. But once the 'Show All' option was turned off, the player would not know where the ships were and missing a ship by 20km was the same as missing it by 200km, the player never knows it was there. But, the important part is--the ships are there, it's up to the players luck and skill to find them.

While on this note: it is more important than ever before (when playing at high realism) to use the submerged, stop, and listen tactic frequently while on patrol. To avoid passing by ships just over the horizon, go to 30 meters and order All Stop, and give your sonarmana couple of minutes at 1x to detect enemy ships. I can say I have tried this several times during the review and it works.

Is Periscope Games Aware Of I Want Cheats Come Out

Time between patrols
Silent Hunter III uses the following conventions to evolve time during the career:
a. Changing or acquiring a subsystem/weapon on your U-boat will evolve time with 1 to 3 days of game time.
b. Changing to a new U-boat will evolve time with up to 2 months of game time.
c. Changing the conning tower on your U-boat will evolve time with 3 weeks of game time.
d. Repairing each hull damage percent at return from patrol will evolve time with 1 day of game time.
e. Even if you don't have damage or you didn't modify/improve your U-boat, the minimum time you have to spend in base between patrols is 28 days.

Resupply in patrol
The resupply feature is not available for this installment. This issue will be addressed in the first patch.
You should always pay attention to your diesel fuel and try to avoid running out of fuel in mid-ocean. That's the life of a U-boat commander, no BP petrol station on every corner!

Renegade Status
When attacking neutral units, your status will change to 'renegade' for AI. All neutral units belonging to the nation of the attacked neutral ship will treat you as enemy for the next 24 hours. Note that this includes aircraft and coastal defenses, in addition to civil and military ships. Example: attacking a US merchant before January 1942 will cause all US ships to treat you as an enemy for 24 hours after the attack. Besides the status change, any neutral unit sunk will earn you negative renown during the career mode.

AI Support
Engaging enemy ships in well defended areas is very dangerous. As soon as the attacked ship detects the presence of your U-boat, air patrols and surface military ships will converge on the area of the reported U-boat contact. Good luck, Capt. Prien!

Crew Management Made Easy
One of the new features introduced by Silent Hunter III is crew management. You're not alone on your sub anymore and as Captain, you have to deal with the crew, rest them, assign the best guys where they are needed, etc. But the dev team included a useful shortcut menu of standard crew configurations. Just one click and you have guys where you need them. You may not have that really good machinist Karl in the engine room so it's your prerogative to tweak the crew assignments. But is you're too lazy for that, remember the CM shortcut menu.

When you click a guy from the barracks pool to your boat, notice a small glitch that makes the scroll bar drop down to the shabbier sailors. You have to drag it back up to the top to get another skilled guy.

How to Disable Auto Identify
Go to the 'SilentHunterIIIdataRoster' folder and open the English.cfg file. Then look for the following entries:

Type0=Patrol Craft
Type3=Destroyer Escort
Type6=Light Cruiser
Type7=Heavy Cruiser
Type8=Escort Carrier
Type9=Fleet Carrier
Type13=Auxiliary Cruiser
;Merchant ships
Type103=Troop Transport
Type104=Coastal Vessel

If you replace the ship names with 'Unknown' all contacts will show as 'Unknown' in the periscope/UZO notepad when the reticule passes over them..
Better still if you replace the names with a dash '-' (which is the default in the UZO/periscope notepad), nothing changes when you sweep your periscope/UZO over the target.
With this mod, the actual names of the relevant ship types will *still* display after you have ticked the box in the Recog Manual

Additional Resources

Drebbel's SH3 FAQ - not even the smallest trick escapes the Wild Dutchman's notice!!

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