Drug Wars Pc Game Cheats

Drug Wars Underworld for PC Cheats - Cheatbook is the resource for the latest tips, unlockables, cheat codes, easter eggs, hints and secrets to get the edge to win.

If you are anything like me you remember the good old days of gaming & get a feeling of nostalgia when you see a game of your youth. Drug Wars! is one of those games for me. While different from the original TI calculator based game in a number of ways the core idea is still the same-buy drugs at a low cost & then sell them for a profit. The original TI calculator based Drug Wars was one of my first forays into game cheating & hacking so I decided to try my hand at it on the App Store version.

This cheat will give you:

  • Base health of: 1,000,000,000
  • Cash: $9,223,372,036,854,775,807
  • Coat storage of: 100,000,000


1. Download Drug Wars!

Drug Wars Pc Game Cheats Age Of Empires 2

2. Download this .plist file

3. via SSH navigate to /var/mobile/Applications/<RANDOM-FOLDER-NAME-FOR-DrugWars>/Drug Wars.app

4.Replace the DrugLand.plist with the one downloaded at step 2

Drug Wars Pc Game Cheats Ps4

5. That’s it enjoy. You know what they say… if you don’t have skills, cheat!

More cheats to come. Stay tuned…

NOTE: I am in the process of making a “mod” for this game to make it more realistic as well as up to date as far as the prices, items, etc goes. If and when I get this done it will be available exclusively here at FSM!

About the Contributor

Pc Game Cheats Free

D2 founded the now defunct iDevice cracking group [C4iD] (Cracks 4 iDevice) as well as guest hosted The iH8sn0w Cast podcast along with iH8sn0w (available on the iTunes Store)! He has since walked away from the cracking scene. He is now focusing on finding security exploits to make the iOS safer as well as searching for device side cheats for App Store games.

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Corey Feldman Interview
Steam achievements

Drug Wars Pc Game Cheats Pc

Drug Wars Pc Game Cheats

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select 'Community', 'My profile', 'View all my games', then the game and view stats.

Pc Game Cheat Programs

    10 Megabytes Of Raw Data: Collect all floppy disks.
    A Surgeon's Merit Is Based On Speed: Perform a double kidney transplant in an ambulance in under 3 minutes.
    About As Politically Correct As Fur: Give the patient a... scarf.
    And They Said It Was Impossible!: Complete a procedure after being drugged and electrocuted. (Must be afflicted within 20 secs)
    At Least He Won't Be Peeing Blood: Perform a double kidney transplant in an ambulance losing less than 600ml of blood.
    Best Surgeon In The World: Get an A++ rating on all procedures.
    Brainstorm: Perform a brain transplant in an ambulance in under 1 minute 15 seconds.
    Butter Fingers: Lose every organ out of the back of the ambulance during the heart transplant.
    Doctor Doctor, Give Me The News: Answer the phone.
    Don't Be Such A Baby, Ribs Grow Back!: Completely smash up the rib cage.
    Don't In-Test My Patience: Perform a double kidney transplant in under 2 minutes 50 seconds.
    Flippin' The Bird: Show the patient your disdain.
    Frikkin' Lasers: Complete a procedure using only the surgical laser.
    Go For The Optics!: Perform 'laser eye surgery'.
    Hammer Time: Lose 50,000ml of blood using the hammer.
    How Long Can You Live Without A Brain?: Perform a brain transplant in under 1 minute.
    I Immediately Regret This Decision: Electrocute and drug yourself at the same time.
    I Should Never Have Doubted Myself: Get an A++ rating on a procedure.
    I Think I've Got This: Perform a brain transplant.
    I'm Sure He'll Live: Complete a procedure with less than 10ml of blood remaining.
    It's Life Jim, But Not As We Know It: Perform a heart transplant.
    Kali Mah!: Perform a heart transplant in under 2 minutes.
    Keyhole Surgery: Completely remove the rib cage.
    Life's Too Short: Perform a heart transplant in an ambulance in under 2 minutes 30 seconds.
    Like A Wet Paper Towel: Throw the new heart away.
    Like An Animal: Throw everything on the floor in the brain transplant surgery.
    Mother Hen: Don't lose any tools out of the back of the ambulance.
    Nigel The Secretary: Go about your secretarial duties.
    Nigel You Bloody Hero: Perform a brain transplant in an ambulance losing less than 1200ml of blood.
    Nine Nine Nine!: Perform a heart transplant in an ambulance.
    One With The Speed Bumps: Perform a heart transplant in an ambulance losing less than 2000ml of blood.
    Performance Anxiety: Perform a double kidney transplant losing less than 500ml of blood.
    Performance Enhancer?: Complete a procedure after being drugged. (Must be drugged within 10 secs)
    Pinky Swear: Make a promise with the ribcage.
    Practically Licensed: Complete all procedures.
    Shh I Doctor Now: Calm your patient.
    Socialised Medicine!: Perform a heart transplant losing less than 1500ml of blood.
    Spaaaaaace: Go where no surgeon has gone before.
    Surgery Horns: Express your appreciation of the metal.
    Surgetricity: Complete a procedure after being electrocuted. (Must be electrocuted within 10 secs)
    Sweet Blasphemy: Perform a brain transplant losing less than 600ml of blood.
    The Beat Of Your Heart: Replace the heart with something else.
    There Is Nothing More To Teach...: Completed every achievement. Now go save lives!
    Vworrrp Vworrrp: Create a Time Lord.
    What Could Possibly Go Wrong?: Perform a brain transplant in an ambulance.
    What Have I Done??: Lose the patient within 15 seconds.
    When You Have No Choice But To Operate: Perform a double kidney transplant in an ambulance.
    You've Got To Be Kid'n'ey!: Perform a double kidney transplant.