Cheating On Your Girlfriend Games

Take minute, close your eyes and imagine what your perfect life would look like. Describe it in as.

Is She Cheating On You, And Lying About It?

Is your girlfriend or wife behaving suspiciously?

Do you think she’s cheating on you, but she denies doing anything wrong?

Do you want to get to the bottom of what’s really going on, but don’t know how?

If you answered “yes” to any of the questions above, then you’re in the same boat as D.E, a soldier from Connecticut.

You might find lots of similarities with D.E, and so I’d like to tell you this story.

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Table of Contents

  • 3 How To Tell If She’s Lying To You

D.E’s Story

D.E. had told me about his wife, Maggie, and how he suspected she was cheating on him:

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“She’s been unusually touchy about her privacy lately,” D.E. told me.

“Her phone is always on her person. She changed her passwords. Whenever anyone calls her on her phone, she’d always go to another room before answering…”

“And worst of all – she’s been staying out late more often, though she says she’s just busy at the office. Is she cheating on me at work? And if she is, then how to tell if she is lying about cheating?”

I had to be honest. “Well, D.E., it’s hard for me to tell because I haven’t met her and I haven’t seen what she’s doing,” I said. “But I CAN teach you the Truth Triad technique.”

“Truth Triad?” he repeated.

“Yup,” I answered. “Listen closely…”

If you, too, are worried about your woman’s behavior and want to get to the truth… then this Shogun Method guide is for you.

You’re about to learn how to tell if she’s lying about cheating, and what to do if she IS cheating on you.

Continue reading…

How To Tell If She’s Lying To You

First of all, here’s what you should NEVER do…

Do NOT confront her. Do NOT accuse her of lying about cheating.

Why not?

Because it won’t get the truth out. If she’s innocent, she just might feel hurt enough to break up with you.

And if she’s guilty, she’ll deny it, accuse YOU of being paranoid… and THEN break up with you.

Confronting her is a lose-lose deal. This is one situation you DON’T want to be honest and upfront. Make sense, right?

So do this instead:

Use the Truth Triad.

Cheating On Your Girlfriend Games For Girls

The “Truth Triad” is a series of three statements that does not accuse your woman of cheating. Instead, it SUGGESTS it.

What the Truth Triad does is this:

If your woman IS guilty of cheating on you, then her mind will go into overdrive, wondering if you know what she did.

Here’s how D.E. used the Truth Triad on his wife, Maggie.

Truth Triad: The First Statement

Maggie seemed to be working overtime a lot, coming home well past midnight several times a month.

So one night, when D.E. was still up when she came home, he asked, in a deadpan monotone:

“So… anything fun happened tonight?”

That’s the first statement. It’s a deadpan statement/question that makes a guilty woman wonder if you know what she did.

If she’s guilty, she’ll give a defensive or dismissive reply like:

  • “Why? What do you THINK happened?”
  • “What kind of question is that?”

That’s a HUGE red flag.

But if she gives an innocent reply – such as when she tells you about something fun that DID happen that night…

…then she’s either truly innocent, or she’s great at hiding her indiscretions (you won’t be able to see the signs of her cheating at all.)

When that’s what you get, then it’s time for the second statement.

Truth Triad: The Second Statement

Next, you tell her a story about someone who cheated on their partner, using the context of YOUR situation.

In D.E.’s case, he said:

“Okay, cool. I remember a story about the building where your company office is. Some woman cheated on her husband with the CEO of her company. I think it was (name of company). The poor husband found out and broke up with her. That building always reminds me of that story.”

Again, If she’s really cheating on you, this story will make her wonder:

Why did he mention that? Does he know? Is he HINTING he knows?”

She doesn’t know. It’ll drive her crazy – maybe even crazy enough to confess.

But if she’s innocent, she’ll join in the conversation. It won’t seem to bother her one bit.

If she’s good at hiding her indiscretions, she might give a defensive “red flag” reply.

In any case, if she still doesn’t confess after the second statement, then it’s time for the third.

READ ALSO: What A Woman Says (And What She Really Means)

Truth Triad: The Third Statement

Lastly, you’ll need to conjure up images of what you suspect she did, but using vague terminology.

In D.E.’s, case he said:

“It’s crazy, right? Crazy how someone can break the heart of the one who loves them the most, and then expect to get away with it.”

This is the “do-or-die” moment. If she’s guilty, she’ll do one of three things:

  1. She’ll pretend not to hear you
  2. She’ll change the topic

But if she’s innocent, she’ll ask into your statement, and maybe even carry a conversation about it afterward.

When that happens, you can relax. She’s probably NOT cheating on you.

Now, let’s assume the worst in YOUR situation. Let’s assume your woman IS cheating on you.

What should you do?

What To Do If She Is Cheating?

The most important thing to know is that she’s NOT cheating on you for any of the following three reasons:

  1. You’re becoming less physically attractive
  2. You’re becoming boring in bed
  3. There’s a hotter guy in her circle and he’s available

Instead, the main reason why women cheat on their men is this: Emotional unfulfillment.

Her emotional needs are not being met. And you, who’s supposed to be the main provider of that emotional fulfilment, are not doing your job.

When I told D.E. this, he protested. “But I’ve given her everything she needs! She’s got a house, a car, a career, a retirement fund – I’ve spent my whole damn life trying to make her happy!”

I answered him – and you might want to take notes…

Her emotional needs don’t consist only of positive emotions, but also NEGATIVE ones.

Here’s why.

Here’s the key to understanding relationships: Women need regular doses of emotional rollercoasters in their lives.

Examples of “emotional rollercoasters” include:

  • Cycles of joy and drama
  • Cycles of pressure and pleasure
  • Cycles of stress and relief
  • Cycles of fear and reassurance

That shouldn’t surprise you, right? After all, that’s life. You can’t appreciate the good times when you haven’t been through the bad times.

This fact of life plays out in a strange, yet undeniable, way in the female mind.

So if you’ve been making your woman happy – that’s great. But it’s not enough.

She NEEDS her emotional rollercoasters. And if she’s cheating on you, that means she needs them DESPERATELY.

And here’s the fastest way to give her what she needs.

How D.E. Got Maggie To Stop Cheating On Him

In D.E.’s case, Maggie WAS cheating on him.

And after his third statement, she broke and confessed. “It won’t happen again, I swear,” she said.

Immediately, D.E. extracted the truth. Maggie WAS cheating on him.

And it was all because he used the Truth Triad.

Now he had a choice. He could break up with her and go through a messy divorce… or he could get her back and KEEP her.

He chose the latter. And he did it with a technique I taught him the day I met him.

That technique is called Fractionation.

Fractionation is a technique that has one goal:

To inflict the negative emotions your woman desperately needs.

D.E. used Fractionation on Maggie in different ways, including:

  1. Disappearing for a few days with zero contact, then coming back to explain he just needed some “alone time”
  2. He’d have big arguments with her, then have mind-blowing make-up sex afterward
  3. He dropped by her office unannounced, and low-key warned the man she cheated with to stay away from his wife
  4. He’d do something dangerous with her – like skydiving or getting lost in the desert – only to come home safe

Needless to say, they got back together. And now, D.E. reports that his marriage with Maggie is stronger and happier than ever.

Your relationship can be, too.

But you MUST learn how to inflict negative emotions on her. That’s the key.

And you can get that key by joining my Online Masterclass on Mind Control. In it, you’ll learn and master the life-changing Fractionation technique.

Click below to join the Masterclass:

(NOTE: Use your best e-mail address when signing up. It’s where I’ll send your Invite Ticket as soon as you qualify for the Masterclass.)

So, quick recap. If you suspect your woman of cheating on you, and you want to find the truth, you’ll need to do three things:

  1. Don’t confront her
  2. Use the Truth Triad to find out if she’s really cheating
  3. If she is, and if you decide to keep her, give her the emotional rollercoasters she desperately needs

For #3, you’ll need to learn Fractionation. Are you ready for it?

If you are, then .

Fight for the truth!

P.S.: Have you ever been cheated on? Or do you have any questions about women and their cheating habits? Let me know in the comments section below.

In an ideal world, our friends approve of the things we do and support us. But there will be times when friends may have an issue with one of our life choices, and this can cause conflict. One of the most common of these events involves infidelity. If a friend cheats, can you still stand behind them?

Infidelity Changes Friendships

When we become friends with someone, we embrace their personality and quirks, so it stands to reason that cheating on a spouse or partner would change the friendship. The personality traits that we once valued in our friend (such as honesty and faithfulness), can become altered in a friend's eyes.

More than that, if your friend asks you to cover for them with regard to their infidelity, they are taking advantage of your friendship. Asking you to lie on their behalf pushes the acceptable boundaries of a healthy friendship.

Avoid Interrogating Your Friend

Despite your personal beliefs, it is not okay to interrogate your friend or press to get details of their affair. You can tell them that you are disappointed in their behavior but at the same time, it's not your job to judge them. A better approach is to explain why you are against infidelity, such as your parent's marriage ended over an affair, you were affected by infidelity personally, you feel that this is unfair to their spouse, or you witnessed a friend's relationship problems over cheating.

Other tips to think about include:

Cheating On Your Girlfriend Games Online

  • Don't bring up your friend's romantic history. Saying 'You always pick up losers!' or 'Why can't you find someone more appropriate?' will not help the situation.
  • Don't offer predictions, such as 'You know this will only end in heartache' because deep down your friend already knows that.
  • Don't get angry. Infidelity is a very personal subject, and you may feel bitter toward your friend, but try to remain calm so your pal knows they have a place to come when they need to talk.

Honoring Your Values While Supporting Your Friend

If your friend openly tells you he or she is cheating on their significant other, you have to be honest in telling them how you feel about it. While your friend might claim that 'it's none of your business,' it will affect your friendship in some way if you're close. We become friends with people who share our values and outlook, so if someone we've included into our social circle is being unfaithful, it will change the way we view them.

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If you know your friend's spouse or partner, this complicates the situation even more. Your friend has put you in a difficult position by telling you about their affair. To support your friend and still maintain your personal values, tell your friend that:

  • You care about them and are not judging them.
  • You feel strongly about infidelity, and while you support your friend you may need to distance yourself from their behavior. (Note: You are distancing yourself from the behavior and not your friend.)
  • You want to help your friend and will be there for them if they need to talk about things.

Cheating On Your Girlfriend Games Free

You may need to spend time away from your friend for a while. Make sure that your friend knows that you are making the choice because you do not want to be associated with their behavior, but that you hope you two can be good friends again somewhere down the line. If your friend eventually comes to you after the affair and needs to talk, avoid saying 'I told you so' and instead focus on listening and helping them.