Werewolf Party Game Cheat Ios

PEEK & PUSH is a 2-player strategy game that puts your memory to the test. Create a set or run before your opponent does, and you win! The game begins with all of the tiles face down. Peek to see the contents of a tile, or Push a row or column to shift the board. But be careful, don't lose track of tiles you’ve already uncovered! Revoke Wolfia’s write permission on channels where games should not be played. Set your channel settings: tag cooldown is how often someone can call the tag list, and auto-out will automactally remove inactive players from the sign-up list. Set your game settings. See below for details on each game and mode.

A Discord bot for Mafia / Werewolf and similar games

Project maintained by wolfiabotHosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham
  • Play games
  • Get support
  • Leave feedback
  • Get notified of updates
  • Vote on the roadmap of Wolfia
  • Invite Wolfia to your server (see big button above).
  • Revoke Wolfia’s write permission on channels where games should not be played.
  • Set your channel settings: tag cooldown is how often someone can call the tag list, and auto-out will automactally remove inactive players from the sign-up list.
  • Set your game settings. See below for details on each game and mode.
  • Start playing!

A few notes:

  • Wolfia automatically mutes and unmutes players as necessary to prevent non-players and dead players from talking during a game.
  • Wolfia also runs private servers just for the Wolves/Mafia. Players receiving one of those roles will also get an invite to such a server in their role PM at the start of the game. You do not need to create any channels for Wolves/Mafia.
  • Access role is for playing on private channels. You do not need to configure this unless Wolfia asks you to.

Starting a game

CommandWhat it doesExample usage / aliases
w.insign up for a gamew.in
w.outdrop from the sign up list; moderators can out other playersw.outw.out @player
w.setupset up the game in the current channelw.setup daylength 5w.setup game mafiaw.setup mode classic
w.startstart a gamew.start
w.rolepmask the bot to resend you your rolepm for the ongoing gamew.rpm
w.statusshow the current status of an ongoing game or sign upsw.st

Game actions

CommandWhat it doesExample usage / aliases
w.checkcheck a players alignmentw.check 6
w.shootshoot another playerw.s @player
w.votevote a player for lynchw.v @player
w.votecountpost the current votecountw.vc
w.nightkillvote a player for nightkill (in mafia chat only)w.nk @player
w.hohohogive a player a present (xmas mode only)w.ho 5
w.itemslist the items that you own (xmas mode only)w.items
w.openpresentopen a present that you received (xmas mode only)w.op

Bot Settings

CommandWhat it doesExample usage / aliases
w.channelsettingsset up settings for this channelw.cs accessrole Mafiaplayerw.channelsettings tagcooldown 10w.cs auto-out on


CommandWhat it doesExample usage / aliases
w.userstatsshow stats of a userw.userstats @user
w.guildstatsshow stats of the current guildw.guildstatsw.guildstats <guildId>
w.botstatsshow bot wide statsw.botstats

Other Commands

CommandWhat it doesExample usage / aliases
w.authauthorize to be added to wolf chat automaticallyw.auth
w.commandsshow a list of all available commandsw.comms
w.helpsend some help your wayw.help
w.infoshow some general information about Wolfiaw.info
w.invitepost invite links for Wolfia and the Wolfia Loungew.inv
w.rankadd or remove a rank in the WolfiaLoungew.rank AlphaWolves
w.replayshow the replay of a gamew.replay #gameid
w.tagpost or sign up for the tag list of the channelw.tag +w.tag -w.tag + @role


Town against Mafia

  • The Mafia knows their team, they receive an invite to mafia chat with their role pms
  • During the day everyone votes to lynch one of the players
  • During the night the Mafia kills players
  • Town wins when all Mafia are dead, Mafia wins when they reach parity.

Mafia Lite

9+ players

Power roles:
The Cop investigates the alignment of a player at night.

Xmas Mafia

7+ players

Power roles:
The Cop investigates the alignment of a player at night.
(Many) Santas who give out presents to other players, which contain useful, but alsodangerous items.


Village against Wolves

  • The s know their team.
  • A holds the .
  • If the shoots a , the dies and the can shoot again.
  • If the shoots another , the shooter dies, and the goes to the that was shot at.
  • s win when all s are dead, s win when they reach parity.

Popcorn Wild

3+ players

Werewolf Party Game Cheat Ios Download

The Wild mode randomizes who gets the .The channel is never be closed, non-players and dead players can post all the time.

Popcorn Classic

3-26 players

Werewolf Games Free

The Classic mode allows the s to have a separate hidden chat, where they may decide which gets the .The game channel is moderated, which means during a game only the living players are allowed to talk in the channel.

Wolfia requires some permissions to run games flawlessly. It will try to automatically set itself up with what it needs, or ask you to give it the required permissions to do so.

Using the official invite link provided at the top of this page, or by running the w.help command to invite Wolfia to your server, will have it request the required permissions. If permissions on your server are broken for Wolfia or the required ones have been updated, kicking and reinviting should restore permissions to a working state.

Nevertheless, and also for the control freaks among us, here is a comprehensive list of what is required and why:


- Read Message History
Edit it's own messages after they have been sent
- Use External Emojis
The standarized emojis are not enough to display everything clearly, so Wolfia packs a bunch of custom ones
- Embed Links
Formatting of messages
- Add Reactions
Display vote counts
- Manage Messages
Clearing reactions off of votecounts
- Manage Roles
Moderate the game channel with permission overrides (and just that; Wolfia does not create or delete any roles for the players)


- Create Instant Invite
Adds invites to the channel where the game is running to role pms and private chat servers which makes for a smooth navigation for players during the game.

Werewolf Party Game Cheat Ios Games

Secret werewolf party game

Wolfia is currently in beta status, which means the following:

  • A small selection of games and modes is supported. More stuff is being worked on.
  • Bugs during games might happen. Please drop by the Wolfia Lounge to help sort these out.
  • Data and commands might change without notice.
  • Output and formatting of messages might look a bit rough.

Uptime over last 7 days:

  • Written in Java using the excellent JDA (Java Discord API). They maintain a super helpful crowd in their Discord guild.
  • Several functions and architectural decisions inspired by and/or plain copy pasta’d from Frederikam’s music bot FredBoat.
  • Thanks to the folks at Mafia Universe and their Discord guild for helping testing and refining the initial version.

Werewolf Party Game Cheat Ios Emulator

Coded with lots of by Napster