Gta 3 Game All Cheat Codes

Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ
Corey Feldman Interview
Full health

Spotlight - New Version CheatBook DataBase 2020: Cheatbook-Database 2020 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs, XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, Wii U, DVD, Game Boy Advance, iPhone, Game Boy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from.

While playing the game, press R2(2), L1, R1, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. If your vehicle is on fire, enable the 'Full health' code to extinguish it. This code also repairs your car. You cannot see the repairs, but it will act like a new car. If on a mission where you need to have a mint condition car, sometimes enabling the 'Full health' code will fulfill the mint condition requirements. -From: and

Full armor

While playing the game, press R2(2), L1, L2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. -From: and

All weapons

While playing the game, press R2(2), L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. Repeat this code for more ammunition. -From: and

Infinite ammunition

To get unlimited ammunition, enable the 'All weapons' code continuously until whatever you want is at 9999 shots. The next time your clip runs out, it will reload automatically but the magazine (9999) will stay the same.

Extra money

While playing the game, press R2(2), L1(2), Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. -From: and

Lower wanted level

While playing the game, press R2(2), L1, R2, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. Note: Saving the game will make the effects of this code permanent. -From: and

Higher wanted level

While playing the game, press R2(2), L1, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. Note: Saving the game will make the effects of this code permanent. -From: and

Flying (Dodo) car

While playing the game, press Right, R2, Circle, R1, L2, Down, L1, R1. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. Accelerate and press Up to fly.

Tank (Rhino)

While playing the game, press Circle(6), R1, L2, L1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. The tank will appear in front of you. This may be repeated as many times as needed. -From: and

Destroy all cars

While playing the game, press L2, R2, L1, R1, L2, R2, Triangle, Square, Circle, Triangle, L2, L1. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. -From: and

Better driving skills

While playing the game, press R1, L1, R2, L1, Left, R1(2), Triangle. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. Press L3 or R3 to jump while driving. Note: Saving the game will make it so your car will never tip. Also every car will have hydraulics which will enable it jump 15 feet in the air over other cars. Additionally, after this code is enabled, any time you roll your car, press X + Square to flip back over. This will work as long as your car is not on its roof. -From: and

Increased gore

While playing the game, press Square, L1, Circle, Down, L1, R1, Triangle, Right, L1, X. No confirmation message will appear. You can shoot off pedestrians' arms, legs, and heads with some weapons (sniper rifle, assault rifle, explosives) with an increase in the overall amount of bloodleft behind. Note: Saving the game will make the effects of this code permanent. -From: and


While playing the game, press L1, L2, R1, R2(2), R1, L2, X. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. -From: and

Overcast skies

While playing the game, press L1, L2, R1, R2(2), R1, L2, Square. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. -From: and


While playing the game, press L1, L2, R1, R2(2), R1, L2, Circle. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. -From: and

Normal weather

While playing the game, press L1, L2, R1, R2(2), R1, L2, Triangle. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. -From: and

Speed up time

While playing the game, press Circle(3), Square(5), L1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. -From: and

Alternate costumes

While playing the game, press Right, Down, Left, Up, L1, L2, Up, Left, Down, Right. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. -From: and

Pedestrians riot

While playing the game, press Down, Up, Left, Up, X, R1, R2, L2, L1. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. Note: Saving the game will make the effects of this code permanent. -From: and

Pedestrians attack

Gta 3 Cheat Codes Ps2

While playing the game, press Down, Up, Left, Up, X, R1, R2, L1, L2. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. Note: Saving the game will make the effects of this code permanent. -From: and

All pedestrians have weapons

While playing the game, press R2, R1, Triangle, X, L2, L1, Up, Down. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. Some pedestrians will throw bombs or shoot at you if you steal their car. Note: Saving the game will make the effects of this code permanent. -From: and

Invisible cars

While playing the game, press L1(2), Square, R2, Triangle, L1, Triangle. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. Only your vehicle's wheels will be visible. -From: and

Faster game playGta 3 Game All Cheat Codes

While playing the game, press Triangle, Up, Right, Down, Square, R1, R2. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. -From: and

Slower game play

While playing the game, press Triangle, Up, Right, Down, Square, L1, L2. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear. -From: and

Infinite Flamethrowers

Put out twenty fires on each of the three islands (about sixty total) to get unlimited Flamethrowers at your hideout. Note: This does not have to be done all at once.

Infinite Health icons

Save fifty people on paramedic missions to get unlimited health icons at your hideout. Note: This does not have to be done all at once.

Infinite Adrenaline Pills

Save fifty people on paramedic missions to get unlimited Adrenaline Pills at your hideout. Note: This does not have to be done all at once.

Police bribe

Get 45 kills in vigilante mode to unlock a police bribe that is available at your hideout.

Faster taxis

Get 100 fares in cab mode to unlock faster taxis available at Borgnine in Harwood in Portland.

Bonus Buggy

Successfully complete the Mafia missions in story mode to unlock the Buggy. Return to Portland and go to the Diablo parking lot (where the mission phone is located) between 19:00 to 24:00 to find the same Buggy glimpsed in Joey's garage from the Mafia mission. It will appear in the same location and change color each time.

Easy 'infinite' run

To continue to run at a fast pace without fatigue, just tap X instead of holding it down. This helps when trying to give your character 'exercise' so that he can run for longer periods of time as well.

Stealing police cars

To easily steal police cars, press Triangle at the drivers' side door. Then, as the policeman gets out, go to the passenger side and get in.

Use cars as a bomb

If you need a big bomb and you do not have the money for Eightball, smash your car into things and use it as a bomb on wheels when it starts to burn -- but make sure you get out of the car before it explodes.

Getting guns

Go by Toni's place to find an alleyway where an Uzi is located. Go near the mob car on the ledge in the other nearby alley -- you can go between two buildings and find an AK47-like rifle and some armor.

Hidden packages

When you see the Rockstar billboard, there are usually some items nearby. On the three islands, hidden packages are usually found near the billboards. For every ten hidden packages you find, you gain access to a new weapon located at your hideout, free of charge.

Programmer message

Go to the parking lot where you had to take out the men with bombs on their chests. Use the Dodo or a pile of cars to get on the other side of the wall that surrounds the area. Once in there, look for a poster with a secret message.

Regain health

Car jack any vehicle and drive up to a prostitute walking the streets. Stop and let her approach the car, after a few seconds of talking, she will get in. Drive to a remote area where there are not any cops around (a good place is in your hideout). Stop the car, but do not get out. After about two seconds, the car will start rocking back and forth. You will recover approximately 40 to 50 points of health. When it is over, she will exit the car and walk away, but not before she charges you a fee. At this point you can beat her up and take back the money you just paid her. Note: The prostitute will fight back when you try to take your money back. If for any reason you both have to exit the car before it starts rocking, you will still be charged a fee (beat her up to take it back). You cannot do this with the same prostitute twice in one night -- you can however, pick up another prostitute and recover more health. Even though the maximum amount of health points is 100 when you start the game, it increases to 125 after the encounter and remains that way.

Get to Staunton Island early

Use the following trick to get to Staunton Island before the bridge is fixed and before the subway is open. Go to the bridge to Staunton Island. Go past where the blockage cones are located, to basically be on the bridge. Enable the 'Dodo car' code (press Right, R2, Circle, R1, L2, Down, L1, R1), then the 'Tank' code (press Circle(6), R1, L2, L1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle). Make sure you are all the way back to get enough room to take off using the tank (as a plane). Start firing the cannon backwards and accelerate. Keep firing the cannon backwards, and just as you get to the edge where the bridge has been broken, you will take off. Try and get back on the ground. If done correctly, you will now be on Staunton Island and when you cross the bridge, the 'Welcome To Staunton Island' screen will appear. Note: You can use nearly any car, but the tank has a better ability to fly higher.

Flying Dodo car

Take the Dodo to the very end of the runway. Turn it around so its facing away from the edge. Hold X to build up momentum, while holding Up. Once you get enough speed, quickly hold Down. Once airborne, use normal controls to level out the car. Note: The small wings make extended flight extremely difficult, if not impossible.

Fast tank

To get the tank to go extremely fast, turn your turret to face directly back, then fire repeatedly. Watch your shots -- if you hit any cars the cops will chase you. This is especially useful for the Vigilante missions.

Flying tank

Get the tank, then turn the turret backwards and find a long road. Start shooting it as fast as you can to speed up the tank, hold Left Analog-stick Down. If done correctly, the tank will become airborne allowing you to actually fly it around.

Tank storage

The game will remember the location of tanks, no matter where they are. Enable the 'Tank' code (press Circle(6), R1, L2, L1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle), then park the it near your safe house. Save your game, and when you load it again the tank will be where you saved it. Note: It is not necessary to ever park it in the garage.

Free repairs

Park your car(s) in the garage at the save point. Exit, then go in to save. You can either save your game or cancel. Either way, your car(s) will be repaired.

Free paint jobs

Go to pay and spray once. Pay the $1,000 for the new engine and paint job. Then, immediately drive back in an get a new paint job, free of charge. This can be done as many times as needed until you get the desired paint job.

Drive-by shooting

Get the Uzi and enter any car. Press R2 + Circle or L2 + Circle and your character will shoot the Uzi out either side of the car.

Secret race-type mission in Staunton Island

In Staunton Island, go to the Super Saver Grocery Store in Newport. Enter the car in the parking lot to get a secret race-type mission, where you must go through check points.

Yardie Lobo car in Staunton Island

In Staunton Island, drive around your garage (around the block or elsewhere), and find a red car with a white top and panther colored seats. This is a gang car, called the Yardie Lobo. Once you find it, press R3 and move the Analog-stick Up, Down, Left, Right, or diagonally to move it. Press L3 to make the car push up and remain that way. Press the L3 continuously to jump with your hydraulics.

Hidden package in Staunton Island

In Staunton Island, there is a hidden package on the hospital roof in Stauton Island. The package is on the corner of the building directly across from the stairs. To get the package, park an ambulance parallel, right next to the building where the package is located. Then, park any 'van' perpendicular to the ambulance. Then, park any 'car' next to the van. Finally, just jump onto each vehicle to get to the roof. The hospital parking lot contains plenty of vehicles to choose from.

Fastest car in Portland

In Portland, go to the Capital Auto shop. Take a big car and ram it into the glass on the store to break it. Inside is the fastest car in the game, which resembles a Shelby.

Mini-game in Portland

In Portland, near Toni's place, is an alley with a parked van marked 'Toyz'. Get in the van to play a rampage mini-game involving an RC car with a bomb attached to it. You get $1000 for each Mafia car you destroy. This game can be played as many times as desired.

Flamethrower in Portland

In Portland, get a decent car, such as the cab or something that is not too heavy. Drive from your hideout in Portland to the end of the road to your left. Turn around, and drive on the grass under the monorail tracks. On the left section of grass will be a jump made out of concrete. Jump off it, and try to land on the monorail tracks, or at least on the stairway so you are facing the same way that you were driving. Drive in-between the tracks, as you do not want to take a chance at getting knocked off by the monorail. You will soon see a glowing circle on your right, which is the flamethrower. Drive over to it, and park next to the ledge-type object below it. Jump onto the hood of the car and take the flamethrower. Save the game at this point, as it may be difficult to get it again.

Molotov cocktails in Portland

In Portland, go to 8-Ball's auto yard, and take the path leading to the garage. Before you enter the garage is a path leading left. Take this path, then go straight until you find train tracks. Turn right following, the train tracks. This leads into a tunnel. Keep going until you find a group of bums. Run over and kill them. They will leave Molotov cocktails and a hidden package.

Drive on elevated train tracks in Portland

In Portland, in the highest area of Portland is elevated train station. The path leading up to the tracks is large enough to fit a car.

Avoid police chases

After stealing police cars, you are relentlessly pursued by the police until you are captured or injured. In order to avoid this, steal the police car (try smashing them until they get out to arrest you, and then jump in their car). Take the stolen police car to your garage (the condition does not matter), and save the game. When you return with the stolen police car later (from your garage), it will be viewed as a normal car by the police, but will still be able to do the Vigilante mission.

First, find badges. The best places to look are in the alleys and parking lots. If being chased in a car, and you are not about to explode, just keep running, and try to not kill anyone. Sometimes, if you drive around enough in harsh conditions, the cops will just stop chasing you. This only happens if you have one or two stars though. If you have around four or more stars, quickly find some badges. The cops are reckless around them, and will do anything to get you busted, or most likely killed, even if it means accidentally killing a few witnesses.


Cheat For Gta 3

The following items are always available at your safe house, and regenerate. The numbers indicated the number of hidden packages needed for that item:

    10: Pistol
    20: Uzi
    30: Grenades
    40: Shotgun
    50: Armor
    60: Molotov cocktail
    70: AK47
    80: Sniper Rifle
    90: M16 or Flamethrower
    100: Rocket Launcher
Game Shark Codes
Master Code (Must Be On)ECB26E48 1445B464
Infinite Health4C21D436 145625DD
Infinite Armor4C21D43A 145625DD
Extra Money1CC88750 17E9C70C
1CC88754 17E9C70C
Never Wanted1CBDACF8 15F6E79D
No Damage From Collisions While Driving1C8EB5C8 15F6E79D
1C8EB5CC 1456E7A5
Firemen Don't Get Out1C8B3B98 15F6E79D
1C8B3B9C 1456E7A5
Medics Don't Get Out1C8B4A48 15F6E79D
1C8B4A4C 1456E7A5
Have Stick3C21D4F8 1456E7A6
Have Handgun3C21D40C 1456E7A7
Infinite Handgun Ammo4C21D414 1456E788
4C21D418 1456E404
Have Uzi3C21D420 1456E7A8
Infinite Uzi Ammo4C21D728 1456E788
4C21D72C 1456E404
Have Shotgun3C21D734 1456E7A1
Infinite Shotgun Ammo4C21D740 1456E788
4C21D744 1456E404
Have AK473C21D748 1456E7A2
Infinite Ammo AK474C21D750 1456E788
4C21D754 1456E404
Have Heavy Machine Gun3C21D75C 1456E7A3
Infinite Heavy Machine Gun Ammo4C21D764 1456E788
4C21D768 1456E404
Have Sniper Rifle3C21D770 1456E7A4
Infinite Sniper Rifle Ammo4C21D77C 1456E404
Have Rocket Launcher3C21D784 1456E79D
Infinite Rockets3C21D798 1456E79E
Have Flamethrower4C2064D6 1456E79C
Infinite Flamethrower Ammo4C21D7A0 1456E788
4C21D7A4 1456E788
Have Molotovs3C21D7AC 1456E79F
Infinite Molotovs4C21D7B8 1456E788
Have Grenades3C21D7C0 1456E7A0
Infinite Grenades4C21D7CC 1456E788
All Weapons Available at Safehouse [Note]3CC88758 1456E781

Note: Exit the safehouse area until the pager goes off.

Grand Theft Auto III (GTA 3) is a well-known action-adventure game title developed by DMA Design and premiered by Rockstar Games in 2001. The game can be played on various platforms, including Windows OS, PS2, Xbox, Mac OS, Fire OS, iOS and Android.

For many mobile mobsters who love wreaking havoc in Liberty City, cheat codes for GTA 3 on Android are of paramount importance, allowing them to do magic in the game. Keep reading to check out our full list of GTA 3 cheats codes in Android and things you should bear in mind while using them so that all of you can skip straight to the chaos anywhere in town.

Table of Contents

1. Can I use cheat codes for GTA 3 on Android?

Grand Auto Theft III was ported to mobile devices in 2011. This idea was revolutionary indeed. And GTA addicts may wonder whether GTA 3 cheats can be input on mobile platforms. To put it briefly, yes and no.

In fact, it’s quite challenging to naturally enter the cheat codes on your Android because most of them are from PC and require a keyboard to type them in. That said, it’s not the case when you download third-party software or an application which supports a keyboard overlay on top of the game. cannot recommend any specific app as we cannot guarantee which one is a safe platform for you and do not want to cause our valued readers any trouble. However, if you’re aware of what you can do and exercise the proper cautions, this is actually a possible workaround.

2. Cheat codes for GTA 3 on Android: All things you should know

Gta 3 Cheat Codes Xbox

While entering the cheat codes in GTA 3 is not burdensome for any player, there are still a few things to keep in mind when you are planning to use them.

#1. Always save before using cheats. Since Grand Theft Auto is an ancient game title, doing cheats in-game might be quite risky and occasionally, players will struggle to undo the havoc they caused. Hence, having a backup is urgently needed.

#2. Most cheat codes for GTA 3 for Android cannot be deactivated. Normally, players will receive a “cheat deactivated” message when trying to re-enter a cheat code. Nonetheless, in our experience, the cheat is still active!!! One more reason why you should save the gameplay first.

#3. Never save while the cheats are active! This action might corrupt a save file, or even ruin a main save gameplay by bringing a state of chaos.

#4. It is noteworthy that some of the cheat codes for GTA 3 on Android we are going to share with you below might not work fully. Most of them do work on PC, yet on mobile platforms, the story might be different. So, just try entering the codes and let us know which ones are not working in the comments section at the end of the article. Thanks in advance!

3. List of cheat codes for GTA 3 on Android

Gta 5 All Cheats

  1. anicesetofwheels – Invisible cars
  2. bangbangbang – Destroy all vehicles
  3. boooooring – Speed up gameplay
  4. chittycittybb – Flying vehicle
  5. cornerslikemad – Better vehicle handling
  6. gesundheit – 100% health
  7. giveusatank – Spawn vehicles (used for different models)
  8. gunsgunsguns – Get all weapons (used to add ammo)
  9. ifiwerearichman – More money
  10. ilikedressingup – Change outfit
  11. ilikescotland – Cloudy weather
  12. ilovescotland – Rainy weather
  13. itsallgoingmaaad – Insane pedestrians
  14. madweather – Super-speedy game clock
  15. morepoliceplease – Higher wanted level
  16. nastylimbscheat – Crank up gore
  17. nobodylikesme – Pedestrians attack
  18. nopoliceplease – Lower wanted level
  19. peasoup – Foggy weather
  20. skincancerforme – Clear weather
  21. timeflieswhenyou – Clock moves faster
  22. tortoise – 100% armor
  23. weaponsforall – Pedestrians fight one another

>>> Read also: Cheats Codes For GTA 3: All The Cheat Codes For The Legendary GTA Game That Began The Revolution

4. More hints for GTA 3 cheats on Android

Infinite Ammo

Once you collect more than 9999 rounds of ammo for a weapon, the infinite ammo will immediately be granted. Nonetheless, do not forget to reload whenever the clip is drained.

Get 125 Health

Follow our instructions to get 125 Health in GTA 3:

Gta 3 All Cheats

  • Carjack a decent ride and head to the Red Light District
  • Pull up near a hooker and stop. The hooker will talk to you and if she loves your ride, she will get inside then. Right at the moment she’s in, your cash will decrease gradually.
  • Take her to a deserted alley and let your vehicle sit.
  • Your car starts shaking. At the same time, your health will steadily increase to 125 and will last till the next time you croak.